

多丽丝E. Madeira Endoscopy Suite within the Ambulatory Care Unit at 戴金宝医院 offers comprehensive endoscopic services through our Ambulatory Care Unit for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases and conditions.

To schedule endoscopic services at 戴金宝医院, please contact one of our associated gastroenterologists >

支气管镜检查可以让医生看到你的喉咙, 喉(喉部), trachea and lower airways through 一个瘦 viewing instrument called a bronchoscope. The bronchoscope may be 灵活的 or rigid, depending on the purpose of the bronchoscopy. This procedure may be done to find the cause of breathing problems, 采集组织样本, diagnose and treat certain diseases of the airway and lungs, 控制出血. Flexible bronchoscopy is done under sedation; rigid bronchoscopy requires general anesthesia. 

结肠镜检查是为了筛查, 诊断和治疗各种疾病和状况 of the colon, 或者是大肠, 包括结肠癌. 医生用结肠镜检查, 灵活的, thin tube with a video camera) to view the lining of the colon. The procedure takes about 30 to 60 minutes 而且是在病人镇静状态下进行的. 如果医生在检查中发现异常, he or she can take a biopsy of the abnormal tissue through the colonoscope as well.

Endoscopic biopsy allows your doctor to take internal tissue samples through an endoscope, 这是一个薄弱点, hollow tube with a light and video camera through which tools can also be passed. This allows the doctor to both view the area where the suspicious tissue or tumor is located, 然后提取组织样本进行测试.

喉镜检查 is a diagnostic procedure in which the doctor uses a 点燃 scope to examine the back of your throat, 喉(喉部) and vocal cords to help determine the cause of various problems including voice issues, 喉咙和耳朵疼痛, 还有吞咽困难. 该镜也可用于活检, 清除喉咙内的异物, 或者切除声带上的息肉. The scope may be rigid or 灵活的, depending on the particular problem or procedure to be performed. Flexible laryngoscopies are generally performed in your doctor’s office, while rigid laryngoscopies are performed at the hospital under general anesthesia. 

膀胱镜检查 is a procedure used to view or treat problems in the bladder and / or urethra. A cystoscope is 一个瘦 点燃 instrument with a tiny camera. Your doctor can use the cystoscope to examine the bladder and urethra for abnormalities. Tiny instruments can also be placed through the cystoscope to perform treatment procedures such as tissue sampling, 放置输尿管导管以帮助尿流, 或清除异物, 肿瘤, 或石头. The procedure may be done under local, spinal or general anesthesia.

胃镜检查包括使用内窥镜, 灵活的, 点燃 tube with a tiny camera attached) to view the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (the first section of the small intestine) in order to diagnose and treat diseases and conditions that affect those organs, 比如癌症, 胃灼热和溃疡.

乙状结肠镜检查 allows your doctor to view the lining of the anus, rectum and lower part of the large intestine through a 灵活的 or rigid sigmoidoscope, 一个瘦, 点燃, 中空的管子上有一个微型摄像机. 乙状结肠镜检查可用于筛查, 诊断和治疗各种疾病和状况, 比如结肠癌, 息肉, 痔疮和炎症性肠病. 整个过程只需要5到15分钟, 除非取了组织样本或切除了息肉, 而且是在病人镇静状态下进行的.

经食管超声心动图是一种超声心动图, 或者专门的心脏超声检查, that is performed by placing 一个瘦 ultrasound probe through the esophagus, 而不是把探针从胸腔外面伸过去. 这样可以更好地观察心脏, as the bones and muscles of the chest wall are not in the way. 手术是在镇静状态下进行的.

上颌内窥镜检查, 也称为食管胃十二指肠镜检查或EGD, 使用内窥镜, 点燃 tube with a tiny camera attached) to view the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). 上颌内窥镜检查 may be performed to 诊断和治疗各种疾病和状况 of the upper digestive tract, 比如溃疡, 胃灼热, 腹部或胸痛, 恶心和呕吐, 出血和吞咽问题. The procedure usually takes about 20 minutes and is performed with the patient under sedation.

计费 & 支付信息

Please note that 计费 for endoscopic procedures will be submitted to your insurance carrier by more than one party; the physician’s practice for professional services, 戴金宝医院 for facility services and North American Partners for Anesthesia (NAPA) for anesthesiology services (if applicable). Please check with your insurance carrier for details about your specific coverage, 元钱, 免赔额, 供应商网络和任何事先授权要求. If you have questions about your 戴金宝医院 bill or need help paying for care, 请国内买球的正规网站有哪些的团队 金融咨询师. 看到我们的 计费 浏览更多信息.




手术护理: Important 病人 Instructions and 信息




  • Staff will confirm your expected arrival time via phone, 3 days prior to your scheduled procedure.
  • Plan to be at the hospital for an estimated time of three hours. The procedure time is usually one hour and the remaining time is for pre-procedure preparation and recovery time.
  • The doctor will review the results of the procedure with you and your family member prior to discharge.


  • 请按照程序前说明操作.
  • 午夜过后就不吃不喝了.
  • Arrive at the hospital at the time confirmed by hospital staff.
  • 病人s receive light refreshment following their procedures.
  • The ACU staff will call you within 72 hours after your procedure to check on your status and answer any questions.
  • You must have a ride home following your procedure and a responsible adult to review and sign your discharge instructions.



To schedule endoscopic services at 戴金宝医院, please contact one of our associated gastroenterologists >

Get directions >


工作时间:工作日:早上6点.m. - 6:00 p.m.


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