


在九月期间, 我们庆祝全国康复宣传周, 从9月20日到9月26日. We’re proud to highlight our outstanding rehab and therapy teams at Day Kimball医疗保健 (DKH). 这些同事提供职业, 物理, and speech therapy services to help our patients recover and get back to their normal lives faster.

如欲了解更多大康健的康复服务,请浏览我们的 物理医学 & 康复 page.

门诊物理医学 & 在丹尼尔森的戴金博尔医疗中心进行康复治疗

作为一名语言病理学家, Amanda spends her days evaluating and treating a variety of communication disorders including speech, 语言, 的声音, 流利(结巴), 吞咽, 和认知来帮助改善病人的生活质量.

阿曼达在勒德洛市奥克莫山脚下的一个新英格兰小镇长大, 她在佛蒙特州长大,从五岁起就开始单板滑雪和滑雪. 原来她整个高中都很擅长运动. 作为一项三项运动(足球), 篮球, 垒球运动员, 阿曼达连续三年是六支州冠军球队的一员.

她于2010年至2014年就读于康涅狄格大学. 在那里,阿曼达选修了一门课程, “传播科学与障碍导论”, 这激发了她去攻读演讲文学学士学位, 语言与听力科学. 阿曼达在奥尔巴尼的圣罗斯学院继续她的教育, NY where she earned a Master of Science in Education in Communication Sciences and Disorders. She holds a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and is Lee Silverman Voice Therapy Certified.

2016年,阿曼达搬到了康涅狄格州的塔夫特维尔,和她的大学恋人安德鲁住在一起. 在一家专业护理机构工作了几年之后, 2018年10月,阿曼达在DKH发现了自己想要改变的想法. 事实证明,安静的角落与佛蒙特州的勒德洛有很多共同之处,感觉就像家一样.

When asked why she likes practicing at DKH, Amanda said, “I like the family atmosphere here. 每个人都互相认识,这让我想起了在勒德洛的家. I also like that I get to work in a variety of settings from outpatient to inpatient and with both pediatric and geriatric patients.”

了解阿曼达后,你很快就会意识到她的机智. 在她的业余时间, 人们经常在健身房看到她, 读一本好书, 烘焙, 或者去佛蒙特州或宾夕法尼亚州探亲访友. She would never turn down coffee or chocolate or the chance to sport a crazy hat at the Kentucky Derby.

Rachel Kaphammer, OTR/L

住院物理医学 & 在普特南的戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些进行康复治疗

说蕾切尔·卡普哈默热爱她的工作是轻描淡写的. 她是戴·国内买球的正规网站有哪些众多杰出的职业治疗师之一, and one of the things she enjoys most about her job is helping her patients maximize their functioning and independence in meaningful activities.

“作为住院病人的治疗师, 我们常常是病人康复的第一步,瑞秋分享道。. “我们没有看到病人完成康复过程的最后阶段, but the small moments at the start of their recovery – like seeing someone smile after helping them get out of bed for the first time – make this job so worth it!”

给瑞秋, her professional journey in healthcare started in 2011 as a personal care assistant for Day Kimball 首页Makers while working towards an associate’s degree from Quinebaug Valley Community College, 能源部, CT. She went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT, 2016年毕业.

在担任Day Kimball家政公司的个人护理助理期间, 当瑞秋的母亲被诊断出患有乳腺癌时,她的职业生涯发生了更加个人化的转变. Rachel saw firsthand the impact that occupational therapy had in helping her mom achieve independence again, 这段经历让瑞秋走上了去心理治疗学校的道路.

“我能够看到职业疗法对我自己的家庭产生了多大的积极影响, and I knew that becoming an occupational therapist was a way for me to enhance my ability to provide direct, 对他人有意义和有目的的关怀,”她说。.

In 2018, 在获得湾径大学职业治疗硕士学位后, Longmeadow, MA, 她加入了戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些的住院物理医学和康复小组. Rachel是MoCA(蒙特利尔认知评估)认证, and is currently pursuing certification as a neuro specialist as she begins to take her skills and expertise to the outpatient setting. She is a member of the American Occupational Therapy Association and the Connecticut Occupational Therapy Association.

Rachel currently resides in Canterbury with her 12-year-old daughter, Olivia, and their dog, Ranger. 下班后,她喜欢和奥利维亚一起探索新英格兰的户外冒险. 从帐篷露营到划桨登机再到徒步旅行, 这对夫妇总是在寻找新的方式来一起探索户外.

Leah Kelleher, DPT, PT

门诊物理医学 & 在普特南的戴金博尔医疗中心进行康复治疗
Leah Kelleher在普特南的Day Kimball医疗中心从事物理治疗, 这是她从小就知道自己想要追求的专业领域.

成长的过程中, 她母亲在史密斯外甥公司工作, 马萨诸塞州的一家医疗技术公司, where Leah was often able to meet international surgeons and observe them performing surgeries using the latest techniques and newest devices on cadavers. 当激情与好奇心相遇时,她知道自己找到了自己的使命.

当她作为一名本科生来到哈特福德大学时, she was fascinated with medical rehabilitation and decided to pursue the profession of 物理 therapy. 在获得健康科学学士学位后, Leah attended the Doctor of Physical Therapy program in the Department of 康复 Sciences. 在读研究生期间, 她是阿曼达·盖林专业承诺奖的获得者, given in recognition for exemplary motivation and initiative shown in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

A school-based clinical rotation at Connecticut Children’s Hospital spurred her interest in pediatrics. 今天, she treats children with diagnoses varying from torticollis/plagiocephaly to developmental/gross motor delays.

在2017年加入Day Kimball医疗保健之前, Leah worked as a 物理 therapist on the Deep Brain Stimulator Clinic Team at Rhode Island Hospital where she discovered her second passion – helping patients with neurological conditions. She went on to achieve a national certification in a rehabilitation technique for the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions known as LSVT BIG ®. 这个一对一的治疗项目帮助神经病人解决行走问题, 平衡日常生活和其他活动,甚至与工作相关的任务.

Leah became even more invested in working with neuro patients after watching her father recover from a carotid artery dissection. “我看到他从每天跑10英里到重新学会走路,”她分享道. “他在康复期间的目标是在我的婚礼上牵着我走过红毯. 中风后3个月, 他实现了这个目标,这要感谢一路支持他的医生和治疗师.”

利亚对她的工作充满热情, noting that she loves having the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of her patients. She takes pride in helping patients make progress while inspiring them to find value in improving and enhancing their health through movement.

作为一个以运动为中心的职业,利亚很少休息. 除了帮助病人康复, 她喜欢在新英格兰地区参加马术比赛, 花时间陪丈夫和两个孩子.

Bethany Petrella, PT, MSOPT

物理医学 & 在普特南的Day Kimball医疗中心进行康复治疗
Bethany Petrella在物理医学和康复方面拥有30多年的专业知识, 还有帮助别人的热情, 她在戴·金博尔家庭医疗中心担任理疗师.

Battling a knee injury in her youth flamed her desire to pursue a career in 物理 medicine and rehabilitation. 这一个人经历激发了宝芬妮在当地社区医院做志愿者, 她在那里学到了很多物理治疗的内部原理.

Her passion for 物理 medicine led Bethany to obtain a bachelor’s degree in 物理 therapy from the University of Connecticut, 并获得昆尼皮亚克学院骨科物理治疗硕士学位.

作为一名应届毕业生,贝瑟尼的职业生涯始于梅里登沃林福德医院. 她还在几家护理和康复机构工作过, 罗克维尔总医院, 和普特南的中心物理治疗, all of which exposed her to a number of specialties (including manual therapies for chronic pain, 前庭神经疗法, 伤口护理, and fall prevention just to name a few) before joining 戴·金博尔家庭医疗中心 in 2013.

她在DKH的角色, she especially enjoys working with students from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in their clinical program, and her involvement with Northeast Connecticut’s Fall Prevention Initiative where she provides fall prevention education to older adults, 家庭照顾者和医疗保健提供者.

能够为她的社区提供康复服务让贝瑟尼感到非常自豪. “我最喜欢我的工作是改变我的病人的生活. I feel like we can do this especially in the homecare setting because we are spending one-on-one quality time with patients in their own environment. 这使我们能够在家庭安全方面与他们合作,包括预防跌倒, 药物管理, 提供照顾者支持, 以及他们的个人目标.”

当宝芬妮没有积极帮助病人康复的时候, 她经常和三个13岁的孩子在一起, 21, 和23), 遛狗, 玛迪, 园艺, 看红袜队的比赛. She also enjoys retreating to the White Mountains in New Hampshire and taking trips to the ocean.





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