
13 Questions with Nicole Richardson, Lead Mammography Technologist, 诊断成像


Day Kimball医疗保健’s (DKH) 诊断成像 department is where you will find Nicole Richardson doing what she does best, providing compassionate care to her patients.

For many women, an annual mammogram can trigger anxiety or fear. That’s when women like Nicole make all the difference. 作为首席乳房x光检查技术专家, Nicole enjoys caring for women during what can be a scary and uncomfortable experience.

In her role as lead mammography technologist, Nicole oversees the daily operations of the digital imaging center unit including management of scheduling, 工作流, and other administrative responsibilities, but she is also able to continue to see patients and provide mammogram exams. “My favorite part of this job is truly patient interaction,” said Nicole. “I like being able to build long-lasting relationships with our patients. 在我的角色里, I do a lot of reassuring patients with exam results, and I enjoy being able to calm patients and help them through the process.”

了解妮可, you quickly realize she has a huge heart and a genuine passion for helping others. Nicole knew from a young age that she was destined to pursue a career in healthcare. 当她在高中的时候, 妮可的妈妈, who she described as her best friend growing up, 被诊断出患有癌症. After numerous doctor appointments and time devoted to caring for her mother, Nicole became inspired to choose an occupation that would allow her to help others.

Nicole attended Griswold High School where she became actively involved with volleyball, began working as a CNA at Villa Maria Nursing 首页 in Plainfield, 遇见了她的高中恋人, 布莱恩.

She attended the University of Hartford from 2008 to 2012. While there she began doing clinical work at Manchester Hospital where she was later hired after graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Health Science and a radiologic technology certification. “I was driven to improve the mammography department at Manchester Hospital,” said Nicole. “Once the position for lead mammography technologist opened up, I immediately applied and was eager to learn that I had been selected for the position.”

In 2018, 想要离家更近, and eager to move on to her next adventure, Nicole joined Day Kimball医疗保健 as the 诊断成像 department’s lead mammography technologist. When asked why she likes practicing at DKH, Nicole said, “I love the woman I work with. The technologists here are wonderful and we care a lot about our patients.”

在她的业余时间, she is usually found spending time with her friends, 皮划艇, spending time with 布莱恩 and her pets Chloe (Morkie), 西娜(德国牧羊犬), 小矮人(猫), 或者在院子里干活.

Read on to learn more about Nicole including plans to build a forever home with her high school sweetheart and more, 在本期的13个问题中.

1. 我成长于: 格里斯沃尔德,我大半生都在做CT. 我出生在西棕榈滩, 佛罗里达, 在俄克拉何马州住了一段时间, 七年级的时候搬到了这里.
2. 你的歌单上有谁? 什么都学一点. 乡村似乎是我的最爱!
3. 你最喜欢的电影是什么? 甜蜜之家阿拉巴马.
4. 你最喜欢什么颜色? 红色的.
5. 你读的最后一本书是什么? 《国外正规买球app官方版下载》,法国巴黎. 我喜欢凶杀推理小说.
6. 谁是你的英雄? 我的妈妈. From 4 years old, she raised me by herself and took on both roles as mother and father. She did whatever she needed to do to make sure I had what I needed growing up. Although I may not need her as much anymore, I talk to her every day and she is still always there for me.
7. 养不养宠物? (如果有的话,请说出名字.) 宠物! I have two dos and a cat; Chloe (Morkie), 西娜(德国牧羊犬), 小矮人(猫). Chloe, who is 7 years old, was a college graduation gift from my mom.
8. 在你的遗愿清单上列出一些事情. 去建造一个永远的家. 我的妈妈 and I moved around often while growing up before settling down in CT. I have never had a “forever home” so this has always been a goal for me and my husband. 布莱恩 and I are currently in the process of purchasing land in Canterbury so we hope that we can check this off the bucket list soon!
9. 你的“最爱”安慰食物是什么? 巧克力. 任何有巧克力的东西.
10. 智能手机、平板电脑或台式电脑? 智能手机!
11. People would be surprised to know that: I have been together with my husband for 13 years, married for 1. We started dating our sophomore year of high school.
12. What’s your current health focus (for you personally)? Do what I need to feel good in my own skin again. To me that means; eat healthier and work out more.
13. What’s your favorite place in northeast Connecticut? Pachaug. Living in Griswold I have found that I love the woods and all that it offers. 你可以远足、游泳、露营、划皮艇等等.

上图: Nicole Richardson, lead mammography technologist, with Day Kimball医疗保健 诊断成像
Top Middle: Nicole and her mother who she describes as her hero.
最中间的是: Nicole with her high school sweetheart and husband, 布莱恩. 
Bottom: Nicole and 布莱恩’s two dogs seven year old Chloe (left) and five year old Xena (right).


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