
凯特琳·斯沃德的13个问题, 注册营养师, 玫瑰玫瑰癌症中心, 戴金宝医院

凯特琳·斯沃德的13个问题, 注册营养师, 玫瑰玫瑰癌症中心, 戴金宝医院


Meet Caitlyn Sward, a registered dietitian with an “all foods fit” philosophy. Being a successful dietitian requires motivation and a desire to improve the lives of others. 凯特琳展现了这些品质,甚至更多. 新注册的营养师, 凯特琳热衷于过一种强壮健康的生活, 并致力于帮助她的病人过上同样的生活.

Caitlyn began her career as a registered dietitian nutritionist at 戴金宝医院 in 2019 after graduating with a bachelor’s of science in dietetics from the University of Connecticut. 她大部分时间都在为癌症患者提供营养咨询, helping them determine their goals and creating a plan to help them achieve those goals.

Caitlyn’s passion for the role and positive outlook helps her tackle all kinds of cases, 包括具有挑战性的. The favorite aspect of her job, she says, is the tangible effect she can have on her patients. “癌症诊断是压倒性的. Nutrition is one of the only things patients still have control over during their cancer journey. Not only does my role actively impact the course of treatment, but patients often want my expertise. I love when I see the ‘light bulb’ moment during an education session with a patient. Helping people understand the way their bodies function and empowering them to make informed decisions is so rewarding.”

自从她来到DKH, Caitlyn has made great strides in improving patient outcomes at the hospital by providing better nutrition care, 增加患者的营养知识, 以及获得健康食品的途径. 斯瓦德还监督着凯特琳的橱柜, a hospital-based food pantry she established in March of 2020 to address malnutrition and food insecurity among patients treated in DKH’s Cancer Center through the provision of no-cost food and nutritional education.

“Approximately 42% of cancer patients spend their entire life savings within 2 years after their diagnosis,凯特琳说. “We believe that no one should have to choose between keeping their electricity on and buying groceries for the week. Caitlyn’s Cupboard is an opportunity for us to help eliminate some of those difficult choices for our patients.”

Day Kimball医疗保健’s Cancer Center patients who identify as food insecure can access the pantry. Caitlyn schedules pantry appointments with each patient to help them select foods tailored to their specific treatment plan, 健康需要和饮食要求. Each person served receives a three-day supply of food for each member of the family, 包括主食, 新鲜的农产品和昂贵的营养饮料. 她还为病人提供营养信息, 价格适宜的食谱, and a comprehensive list of local food assistance programs and other community resources.

康涅狄格州东北部人, 斯沃德出生在戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些,目前居住在东普特南. She is a member of the QVR Rotaract Club and is an American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Personal Trainer, ACE和CETI认证癌症运动专家, ACE青少年运动专家, 也是NASM综合格斗调理专家.

今年, Caitlyn was recognized by Day Kimball医疗保健 as its employee of the month in July and she obtained her Cancer Exercise Specialist certification. She looks forward to providing exercise recommendations and personal training to patients receiving active treatment and those in remission.

Caitlyn is currently working towards becoming a Certified Nutrition Support Clinician and is pursuing board certification as a specialist in oncology nutrition. 除了戴·金博尔, 凯特琳还拥有并经营斯沃德和盾有限责任公司, 在负担得起的, inclusive nutrition counseling and physical activity services are provided to those living in Northeast Connecticut.

在她休息的时候, 凯特琳喜欢读好的心理惊悚小说, 烹饪和烘焙, 弹钢琴, 和男友一起练综合格斗, 克里斯.


1.      我成长于: 普特南! 

2.      你的歌单上有谁? 我对音乐的品味非常广泛,有点不拘一格. 我喜欢好的百老汇原声音乐, 回到90年代初和21世纪初的朋克摇滚和新的另类/独立音乐.

3.      你最喜欢的电影是什么? I’m not sure if I have a favorite movie – I tend to watch TV shows more often. 然而, recently I’ve been watching all of the Marvel movies and I really enjoy how fantastical they are. 现实生活最近有点挑战, 所以能暂时忘记正常的世界是件好事.

4.      你最喜欢什么颜色? It’s hard for me to pick a favorite color – I really like all colors for different reasons… but if forced to choose I would probably say green (forest green, 确切地说).

5.      你读的最后一本书是什么? 我现在在读1905年的《国外正规买球app官方版下载》! 我一般都会看新的心理惊悚片, but I love the character of Sherlock so much that I thought I would go back to where it all started.

6.      谁是你的英雄? 我倾向于不把特定的人理想化, because I believe that everyone is flawed in one way or another and I think that having an idol or a hero can get messy at times. 相反,我仰望生活中人们的不同方面. 例如, I have a deep admiration for my dad’s love of his career (and just life in general), 感谢我妈妈对细节的关注, 祖母对她的信仰和祖父的创造力有多坚定. 

7.      养不养宠物? (如果有的话,请说出名字.) 我家和我养了两只狗和三只猫. All of our cats are black rescue cats (I like a good underdog) and their names are Sophie, 西奥和寿司. My dogs are golden retrievers and they are arguably two of my best friends (wish I was being ironic). Their names are Ellie and Marzipan and they’re the best therapy and companion dogs you could ever ask for. 我有成千上万张他们的照片,可以聊上几个小时. 

8.      在你的遗愿清单上列出一些事情. In an ideal world I would like to travel to all 50 states and visit as many countries as I can. 

9.      你的“最爱”安慰食物是什么? 冰淇淋! Perhaps a surprising answer from a dietitian, but I have the biggest sweet tooth. I also love making breakfast for dinner (chocolate chip pancakes specifically). 

10.   智能手机、平板电脑或台式电脑? 因为我总是在移动-智能手机.

11.   人们会惊讶地发现我: 我是受过古典钢琴训练的吗. I’ve been playing for over 20 years – so long that I don’t even remember learning how to read music. My family is quite musical so it’s always been an important part of life in my household. 整个大学期间,我都在努力挤出时间玩, 但我很高兴我坚持了下来, as it’s still one of my favorite hobbies (much to the chagrin of Marzipan – she HATES piano). 

12.   你目前关注的健康问题是什么(就你个人而言)?? 现在我正试着更多地倾听自己的身体,慢慢来. 从历史上看,我倾向于把自己分散得太细. I push through things I shouldn’t and end up burnt out, both physically and emotionally. 即使我能认出我自己, 放松对我来说是一个挑战,这是我正在努力改进的地方.

13.   你最喜欢康涅狄格东北部的哪个地方? 汤普森大坝. It’s always been my favorite place to walk, picnic or hangout and watch the sunset. 20多年来,这一直是我生活中的主要内容. 



Caitlyn and her boyfriend, 克里斯, at her graduation from the University of Connecticut in 2019.





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